Monday, March 16, 2009

Medical News

The new doc recommended an MRI. He seemed confidant the insurance company would approve. However from approval to scheduling to MRI to meeting the doc again will take six weeks. If surgery is needed, that's another six to twelve weeks. At a minimum, I'm seeing no running until June or July. No walking or hiking either. Swimming pool, thou art my new home.

Speaking of which, I swam today.Did a workout that started with kickboard laps, then freestyle, followed by 45 minutes of aqua running with intervals (aqua fartlek if you will), and a cool down of easy laps. 1:38:09 total.

Next time I run on a dirt trail, I'll have gills.


  1. I don't know what takes more for an endurance event or dealing with insurance companies...... sheesh

  2. They're both endurance events.

    Insurance is more painful.

    But this new ortho seems good and I'm hopeful for a diagnosis.
